Before this journey I often wondered what "qualifies" someone to be considered for public office. So as someone does these days, I searched the internet for some info. I found this: and this amongst other readings.
I had always assumed that to be a "politician" you had to have a law degree or have won a Rhodes scholarship or something similar. On top of that was the impression that one had to be a union official (if labor oriented) or a merchant banker (if liberal is your flavour).
I (we) am lucky that in this country we have a party such as The Greens who rely on "grass roots" democracy in order to function. When calls came out for Senate pre-selection I didn't entertain the idea because I simply thought there's no way I'd be considered. But considered I am, and I put my hand up because I know I can represent the people of NSW well.
- Try some Dialogue
- The Human Cost of not avoiding War
- I've been away
- Having a "different" view can get you into hot water
- More Info on "our" representatives in the Federal ...
- Something to try at home
- Engineers Needed in Federal Parliament
- Stop buying bottled water
- Privatisation of NSW Electricity still on top of t...
- What qualifies someone to run for public office?
- Welcome