Sunday, May 17, 2009

Just what is Climate Change?

When we say the words "climate change" we already have a mental model about what we mean when we say those words. Our (your own) mental model may be different to everyone else's. For example, to me "climate change" is human induced accelerated detrimental changes to our climatic patterns that has implications for our continuing existence. For others, it may simply mean bad weather events, or more drought, more flood, or others may think warmer planet/hotter summers.
Like me, people may not know the "official" definition of climate change and for many it may be irrelevant. My point is that your own mental model on climate change will impact (or influence) how you react to what you see as people's apparent apathy. Or your mental model may cloud or hinder your ability to engage in effective dialogue on the problem of climate change. Your mental model may also prevent you from appreciating other people's approaches to the issue.
Effective dialogue on any issue can only start when you leave your mental models at the door!